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Images of the ever-changing paintings, stencils and murals in the Lismore Back Alley Gallery, an area of the Lismore CBD reserved by the local council as an exhibition area for street art.
Piper by Kiki - Back Alley GalleryCamouflaged roller door - Back Alley GalleryGarage door - Back Alley GalleryDark circle stencil - Back Alley GalleryMarilyn Tribute, I guess - Back Alley GalleryBlues - Julla - Back Alley GalleryPortrait - Amy Crow - Back Alley GalleryJust Because -  Julla - Back Alley GalleryWhite flower WIP - Back Alley GalleryWinter warmer - Back Alley GalleryThree cat headed - Back Alley Gallery3 headed snake - Back Alley GalleryAll eyes - Back Alley GalleryEntrance face - Julla - Back ALlley GalleryLoading bay - Back Alley GalleryNoticeboardRestored - Back Alley GalleryCornerKurt Cobain - Mark - Back Alley GalleryWO Krew - Back Alley Gallery